Monday, March 31, 2014

A Monthly Round Up (4) : March

A Monthly Round Up is a meme hosted at Feed Me Books Now!!!. The purpose of this meme is to sum up the month's blogging in one post.

Hey guys! How are you all doing? I just got back from my spring break, all rested and freshened up. Unfortunately, I did not stick to my plans of being academically productive at all during my 7-day vacation... So I will probably suffer this week. On that note, I recently finished the two seasons of House of Cards and I cannot think of a more legitimate way to spend my free time than watching Frank Underwood play dirty politics. It is a truly amazing drama series and you should all tap into this goldmine right now.
As for reading, I did pretty well this past month and I'm actually ahead of my Goodreads challenge (right? who knows?). Another exciting news is that I have FINALLY won a giveaway! (Thanks Iris <3) I have never trusted my luck with raffles, but it seems like I did something right to please the Raffle God. Hopefully this trend will keep going too!
This Past Month on Spare Reads

Reviews (click on cover to see post):

I sense a blue theme going on in these covers, eh?


Other Cool Stuffs Around the Blogosphere
  • Bec @ Ransom Reads did another X Marks the Spot post and this one is all about rare mystical creatures. What are you waiting for? Come join Captain Bec for some excitements.
  • There has been some drama going on lately in the blogging community. Check out this post about bullying by Mel from The Daily Prophecy.
  • When trying to find funny posts, one can always rely on Cait @ Notebook Sisters. What? You don't believe me? Well read this post about crazy fantasy names and see it for yourself!
  • Have you ever had a reading slump? What about a reading boom? Okay, that might not be the official term, but you know what I mean. Alise from Readers In Wonderland shared with us her ways of encouraging and fostering a reading boom.
  • Jeann @ Happily Indulgence talked about her gamer themed reading styles, which is both hilarious and interesting to read. 
That's all for this month. See you in April!


  1. AWWWK. I'm blushing right now, I am. XD

    Those are gorgeous covers...honestly. And all so dark and bluish (except for The Summer I found You...hehe, the rest are like merging together). I'm ahead of my Goodread goals too! *hi fives* GO US.

    1. Heheheheee ;) I'm telling the truth! Love all your posts. Woohoo congrats on being ahead. Yes, more reading please.

  2. Great reads in March! I also really love Cait! Her reviews rock my socks off!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. Haha exactly! It always makes me laugh reading her posts :P

  3. GREAT READS! I love all those covers. I hope the raffle god rewards me to with a giveaway.
    Even though you came back to snow on the ground, it's supposed to get warmer this week. Fingers crossed for spring weather.

    1. I know!! It's April alreay, what is this?! Good luck with wining giveaways :D It's super exciting when you get one!

  4. Congrats on the monthly achievement! :)
    BTW i wasted (not sorry) the last hour browsing through the links from the "Cool Staff" list, fun picks!
    Boyanna @TheBookmaidens

    1. I'm glad :P I love funny posts and the blogging community has so many talented people on humors!

  5. WORLD AFTER! *flails*
    Such a great book :D
    haha congrats on winning the giveaway. The Raffle Gods can indeed be fickle, although it definitely seems the odds were in your favour this time round :P

    1. I would like to say that "flail" is the most perfect response for Penryn & Raffe :D

  6. I still need to read World After! I can't believe I haven't done that yet Angel, I absolutely LOVED Angelfall. Can't wait to see what you think of Stolen Songbird, that's one of my favorite reads of the year so far!

    1. Oh gosh, you need to read it soon!! Or maybe it's better to wait for the third book to come out. I'm so very agonized right now for not being able to read more of Penryn & Raffe. Good thing there are so many other awesome books for distractions.

  7. "Unfortunately, I did not stick to my plans of being academically productive at all during my 7-day vacation... So I will probably suffer this week." Haha! I can relate to this a bit. I'm on spring break too, and while I've pretty much done everything I need to do, there's still that nagging voice telling me to do more. Something is wrong with me.

    It looks like you got some great reading done last month - I've heard good things about Mind Games and can't wait to pick it up. And congratulations on winning your first giveaway! I hope you have a lovely April as well. :)

    1. Ahh I wish I have your motivation. I'm a total procrastinator :P You should enter my giveaway for Mind Games. It's a super awesome story and you would not want to miss out on that!

  8. You're ahead on your goodreads challenge? I'm jealous! I'm behind. :( Hopefully this summer I can fit in more reading and catch up. It did read some good books it looks like!

    1. lol mostly because my goal is only 60 book ;) I can't even begin to understand how people are reading 300 books a year. That sounds so crazy!!

  9. That's great you're reading so much!! I'm only doing one challenge, and that's for graphic novels, but it's going well. I hope I can read more over the summer when I'm not in school!

    1. Yeah me too. But I will be doing internships during the summer, so not sure how much free time I would have. It will probably be more than what I have now at least :)
